This week in maths we have continued our work on fractions. We looked at comparing fractions, and if they are greater than > or less than <. Children have looked at representations of fractions, for example: drawn in equal size bars, to support this understanding, especially when looking at fractions with different denominators. We have also started learning about angles, and that an angle is made when two straight lines meet.
In English the children have planned and written their information texts on British Wildlife. The children have thought carefully about the focus features of using headings and sub-headings and possessive apostrophes, particularly for plurals.
On Wednesday children had the opportunity to perform their talents, for our classroom version of ‘Britain’s Got Talent’, it was wonderful array of music, dance, origami, martial arts, comedy and history. It was an absolute pleasure to watch the skills they work so hard on at home brought to life in the classroom. Well done year 3!
We had a brilliant trip on Thursday to Bewdley museum. The evacuees were well turned out on the morning, along with the adults, and we all learned a lot about what life was like for people during the Second World War. One of the highlights was going into a real air raid shelter; it was quite scary but must have been terrifying for the people who used it int he past. The fantastic weather made the trip all the more brilliant, and we all enjoyed having a picnic in the sunshine too.
Next week is activity week! Here is some useful information to help you for the week!
- Children are to come to school wearing PE sportwear.
- On Thursday afterschool there will be an opportunity for your children to have another go on the inflatable fun run on the field. We will be running this as a school fundraiser activity and therefore asking for a small payment per go (bring your change!)
- On Friday the children will be given the opportunity to buy a skipping rope after their Jump rope session. Details of cost will be on the newsletter.
Timetable for the week:
- Monday: Tardebigge Trek in the PM. Parents/carers are invited to join us at 1.15pm.
- Tuesday: Sports Day. In the morning the children will be engaging in house activities. There will be a picnic lunch on the field at 11.30 and the track events will be in the afternoon. Children to wear a t-shirt of their house colour.
Bredon- blue
Clent- green
Lickey- yellow
Malvern- red
Parents/grandparents are welcome to join us for part/all of the day.
Wednesday: Forest School session (bring waterproofs!)
Thursday: Inflatable fun run on the field
Friday: Horse riding and Jump rope session
If you have any queries regarding Activity week then please just ask!